Effective: February 14, 2022

These Terms of Use (“Terms”) describe the conditions applicable to Wedding Hub (“Wedding Hub” or “WH”). They govern the use of Wedding Hub.com web and mobile pages, the Wedding Hub mobile app, and related services (collectively, “Services”).

1. Your Acceptance of the Terms

By accessing or using the Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms and our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree, do not use the Services. These Terms supersede any prior agreements between you and us. Additional terms may apply to specific features or promotions, which will be presented to you at the relevant time.

Important:* Please review Section 21, “Mandatory Arbitration and Class Action Waiver,” as it requires you to resolve disputes individually through binding arbitration.

We reserve the right to modify these Terms at any time. Your continued use of the Services indicates acceptance of the revised Terms. It is your responsibility to review the Terms periodically.

2. The Services and Users of the Services

Our Services provide a community and marketplace for the wedding industry and other significant life events. The Services are available to individuals and businesses at least 18 years of age who can form legally binding contracts. Users include prospective brides and grooms, newlyweds, wedding guests, and vendors offering related products and services.

a. Members

As a Member, you acknowledge that while we verify Vendors’ identities, we cannot guarantee their credentials, compliance with laws, or service quality. You should conduct your own research to ensure the suitability of the service providers.

b. Vendors

By agreeing to these Terms on behalf of a company, you confirm your authority to bind that entity. As a Vendor, you agree that we do not endorse your services, nor are we responsible for your transactions with Members. Your membership is non-transferable. You must keep your business information accurate and updated.

We offer different types of memberships, including free and paid subscriptions. Additional terms apply to paid subscriptions, which are incorporated into these Terms by reference.

3. We Are a Neutral Venue

Wedding Hub is a neutral venue where Users connect for services or products. We are not involved in the actual transactions between Users and do not control the quality, accuracy, or legality of the services or goods offered.

4. Nondiscrimination Policy

We prohibit discrimination based on protected characteristics. We will take action, including suspension, against Users who violate this policy. Report discrimination by contacting support at policy@weddinghub.com with “Nondiscrimination Policy” as the subject.

5. Jurisdictional Issues

We operate the Services from the USA and promote products available in the USA. If you access the Services from other locations, you are responsible for compliance with local laws.

6. Accounts, Passwords, and Security

To access certain features, you may need to create an account. You are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of your information and the confidentiality of your account. We are not liable for unauthorized access to your account.

7. Privacy

Our Privacy Policy outlines how we handle your information. By using the Services, you consent to our data practices. When interacting with Vendors through our Services, their Privacy Policy may also apply.

8. Rules for Using the Services

You agree to comply with all applicable laws and contractual obligations when using the Services. Users must not:

  • Create accounts for others without permission.
  • Use the Services for unlawful purposes.
  • Restrict others from using the Services.
  • Harvest or collect information without permission.
  • Circumvent security measures.
  • Engage in activities that impose an unreasonable load on our infrastructure.

Vendors must not:

  • Violate laws related to their services.
  • Include promotional text in storefront names.
  • Discourage Members from using other Vendors.
  • Transfer Member leads to non-Vendors.

We may suspend access to the Services for rule violations.

9. Protection of Intellectual Property Content

Our Services contain proprietary material protected by intellectual property laws. You may use the Services for personal, non-commercial purposes only. You may not modify, reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works without permission. Our trademarks and service marks are protected, and you agree not to use them without authorization.

Terms of Use for Wedding Hub:

10. User-Generated Content

At Wedding Hub, users have the opportunity to contribute and share information through various channels such as message boards, vendor advertisements, and listings. We encourage users to exercise good judgment and discretion when posting content or engaging in online communication.

Content submitted by users is referred to as “User-Generated Content.”

By posting User-Generated Content, you confirm and warrant the following: (i) you own all rights to the content or have the necessary permissions to grant the rights described herein, or (ii) you possess a valid license to use, distribute, reproduce, and display the content. Additionally, you represent that all individuals featured in the content have consented to its use for advertising, promotion, and other purposes outlined herein.

Users are solely responsible for their User-Generated Content. We do not endorse or control user submissions and cannot guarantee their accuracy or legality. You agree to indemnify us against any liabilities, losses, or damages arising from your User-Generated Content.

11. License to User-Generated Content

y posting content on Wedding Hub, you grant us an irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide license to use, reproduce, display, and distribute your User-Generated Content for promotional purposes related to the Services. This includes the right to create derivative works and sublicense the content to third parties. Additionally, you authorize us to use any personal information included in the content for promotional activities.

You acknowledge that we may retain archived copies of your User-Generated Content and continue to use it in connection with pre-existing materials, as permitted by the aforementioned license.

We value feedback from our users and welcome suggestions or comments about the Services. Any submissions provided to us are voluntary, and we reserve the right to use them without obligation or compensation.

12. Content Submission Guidelines

When using our Services, you agree not to submit inaccurate or outdated content. Furthermore, you agree not to post content that:

  • Poses a risk of harm to individuals or animals.
  • Is fraudulent, unlawful, abusive, defamatory, or invasive of privacy.
  • Violates any applicable laws or encourages illegal activities.
  • Compromises the security of our Services or users’ systems.
  • Contains personal information without consent.
  • Discloses confidential or proprietary information.
  • Promotes third-party products/services or contains unauthorized links.
  • Includes malicious software or infringes intellectual property rights.

We reserve the right to monitor and remove any content that violates these guidelines or is deemed inappropriate at our discretion.

You acknowledge that our representatives may moderate content and enforce these guidelines but are not authorized to make binding commitments on our behalf.

13. Tools & Service Changes

Wedding Hub provides various tools to users, some of which are supplied by third parties. We are not liable for the availability or effectiveness of these tools.

To optimize our Services, we continually update and evolve features. We reserve the right to modify or discontinue any tools or services without prior notice. While we strive to minimize disruptions, we are not responsible for any data loss resulting from service outages or changes.

14. Fees & Payments

Certain features of our Services may require payment, but participation is optional.

  • Members: While most of our Services are currently free, we may offer optional paid services in the future. Payment terms for such services will be provided separately.
  • Vendors: Premium services may be available for vendors with valid accounts, subject to additional terms.

We reserve the right to introduce new fees or modify existing ones at our discretion. Users are responsible for paying fees associated with their use of fee-based services.

15. Communication Policies

By using our Services, you consent to receive text messages from us for operational and promotional purposes. You may opt-out of marketing messages at any time.

16. Electronic Records

Agreeing to receive text messages also implies consent to the use of electronic records. You may withdraw this consent by contacting us.

17. Coupons & Discounts

We may offer promotional coupons or discounts for use on our platform or with third-party vendors. Additional terms and conditions may apply to each offer.

18. Disclaimer of Warranties

Wedding Hub provides its Services for entertainment, educational, and promotional purposes only. We do not provide professional advice or guarantee the accuracy of information. Users utilize our Services at their own risk.

19. Limitation of Liability

We and our affiliates are not liable for any damages arising from the use or inability to use our Services. Our liability is limited to the amount paid by the user in the preceding 12 months.

20. Indemnification

Users agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims arising from their use of the Services or violation of these terms. We reserve the right to defend and control any such claims.

Revised Terms of Use for Wedding Hub:

21. Suspension or Termination of Access and Remedies

We reserve the right to deny, suspend, or terminate your access to Wedding Hub, including any features or parts of the platform, and to remove any content or materials you’ve submitted, at our discretion and without prior notice, for any reason or for no reason at all. Reasons for such actions may include but are not limited to: violating the Terms of Use, maintaining multiple accounts, failure to pay fees, attempting to manipulate feedback, engaging in unethical conduct, harassment, or inappropriate communications with other users.

If we suspend or terminate your access, you will still be bound by the Terms of Use in effect at the time of suspension or termination. No refunds will be provided for unused subscription time, fees, or any associated content or data.

For vendors, even after termination, we may retain and display reviews associated with your business on Wedding Hub, along with basic directory information.

Remedies for violations of our Terms of Use may include immediate termination of your membership, notifying other users of your actions, issuing warnings, temporary suspension of membership, monetary compensation, or legal action.

22. Governing Law; Venue and Jurisdiction

By using Wedding Hub, you agree that the laws of the State of Maryland will govern the Terms of Use and any disputes between you and Wedding Hub or its affiliates. Any disputes not subject to arbitration must be brought in the state and federal courts of Maryland.


Please read this section carefully. It affects your legal rights, including your right to file a lawsuit in court.

Application: These arbitration provisions govern disputes between you and Wedding Hub. All disputes may be subject to arbitration, except for certain intellectual property and small claims court matters.

Initial Dispute Resolution: Before resorting to arbitration, you agree to try to resolve disputes with Wedding Hub informally. If a resolution cannot be reached within 60 days, either party may initiate binding arbitration.

Binding Arbitration: All disputes relating to these Terms or your use of Wedding Hub shall be settled by binding arbitration administered by JAMS, unless exempted as per this section. The arbitrator’s decision is final and binding, and may include equitable relief.

Filing a Demand: To initiate arbitration, you must submit a Demand for Arbitration to JAMS and Wedding Hub, following the provided procedures.

Class Action Waiver: Both parties agree to resolve disputes on an individual basis, waiving the right to participate in class or representative actions.

30-Day Right to Opt Out: You have the right to opt out of arbitration within 30 days of agreeing to these Terms. If you opt out, neither party is bound by the arbitration provisions.

Changes to This Section: We will notify you of any material changes to this section, and changes will apply prospectively.

Survival: These arbitration provisions survive termination of your use of Wedding Hub.

24. Claims of Copyright Infringement — DMCA Notice

We take copyright infringement claims seriously. If you believe materials on Wedding Hub infringe your copyright, follow the DMCA Notice procedure outlined in this section.

25. Linked Websites

Wedding Hub may contain links to third-party websites. Use these links at your own risk, and understand that we do not endorse or control the content of these sites.

26. The Services Do Not Provide Medical Advice

Wedding Hub does not provide medical advice. If you have a medical emergency, call 911. Consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice.

27. General Provisions

These provisions cover various legal aspects, including the statute of limitations, electronic communications, and unenforceability of certain provisions.

28. Account Flagging System

Users can flag inappropriate content, which is then reviewed by Wedding Hub. Flagging content in bad faith is prohibited.

29. Rating and Review Disputes

Integrity of the rating and review system is crucial. Violating this integrity may result in suspension or termination of membership.

30. Feedback Rules

Rules for leaving feedback are outlined, including proof of business and scenarios for feedback removal.

31. Filing a Ratings and Review Dispute

Vendors may initiate a review dispute through the provided tools or by contacting Wedding Hub directly. Vendors have the opportunity to respond publicly to feedback.

These revised terms aim to maintain a fair and transparent platform for all users of Wedding Hub.

32. Manipulating Ratings and Reviews

Wedding Hub operates as a neutral platform, facilitating transactions solely between you and other members. We do not intervene or endorse any particular member or service. Therefore, the integrity of Wedding Hub relies on genuine feedback from members about services provided. To maintain this integrity, you agree not to:

  • Restrict a member’s right to post a review.
  • Offer compensation in any form for favorable reviews.
  • Repurpose feedback reviews for personal or business use.
  • Solicit multiple feedbacks from the same member.
  • Post feedback reviews on your own account.
  • Impersonate another member.

33. Community Guidelines

By accessing Wedding Hub, you agree to adhere to our Community Guidelines, accessible at [link]. These guidelines outline acceptable conduct and content posting rules. They are an integral part of our Terms of Use.

34. Messaging Payment Services

Service Overview: Wedding Hub offers Messaging Payment Services, allowing vendors to invoice or request payments from members and vice versa through our messaging functionality. These services supplement other payment options on the platform and are available to US-based vendors and members, transacting in US Dollars.

Party Relationships: Wedding Hub is not a direct participant in transactions facilitated through Messaging Payment Services. We bear no responsibility for the compliance of members or vendors with laws, delivery of services, or payment obligations. Messaging Payment Services are provided “as is,” without warranties, express or implied.

Compliance with Laws: Users agree to use Messaging Payment Services only in compliance with relevant laws, including those of the United States and their jurisdiction. Users must not engage in prohibited activities, violate agreements, or misuse the services for personal, household, or unauthorized purposes.

Payment Methods: To use Messaging Payment Services, members must have a valid Payment Method on file with Wedding Hub or third-party service providers. Users are responsible for maintaining accurate payment information and authorizing transactions initiated using the services.

Using Stripe: Vendors opting to receive credit card payments via Stripe must complete the application process, agree to Stripe’s terms, and provide necessary payment details. Vendors acknowledge Stripe’s authority to take actions affecting service usage based on their Connected Account Agreement.

Authorization: By utilizing Messaging Payment Services, users authorize Wedding Hub to conduct transactions on their behalf and share information with third-party service providers for transaction facilitation and security purposes.

Data Protection: Vendors are obligated to safeguard payment data obtained through Wedding Hub and notify us of any breaches or unauthorized access. We reserve the right to access, preserve, or disclose information to comply with legal obligations or address security issues.

Vendor Terms: Vendor terms provided to members must align with Wedding Hub’s Terms of Use and Messaging Payment Services Refund Policy, especially regarding cancellations and refunds.

Taxes: Vendors are responsible for identifying and complying with applicable taxes related to transactions facilitated through Wedding Hub. We do not assume responsibility for tax obligations arising from such transactions.

Erroneous Transactions: Vendors must exercise diligence in identifying and addressing erroneous or suspicious transactions. They bear sole liability for losses resulting from such transactions and must safeguard their credentials to prevent unauthorized use.

Payouts: To receive payouts from transactions, vendors must have a valid payout method linked to their account. Wedding Hub reserves the right to delay or cancel payouts for security or investigative purposes.

Fees: Vendors agree to pay applicable fees associated with Messaging Payment Services. Fee updates will be communicated via email with 30 days’ notice, and continued usage implies acceptance of the revised fees.

Member Representations: Members warrant the accuracy of information provided and authorize transaction processing using Messaging Payment Services. Wedding Hub may process payments later if initial processing fails, issuing receipts upon transaction completion.

Liability: Users are responsible for activities conducted using their credentials and liable for associated losses incurred by Wedding Hub. We disclaim liability for vendor actions or omissions related to goods, services, or events facilitated through Messaging Payment Services.

Refunds: Members may seek refunds in accordance with Wedding Hub’s Messaging Payment Services Refund Policy. Unless specified otherwise, all transactions are considered final.

Indemnification: Members agree to indemnify Wedding Hub and its representatives against claims arising from breaches of Messaging Payment Services terms, improper usage, tax collection, or violations of laws or third-party rights.

35. Contact Us

For inquiries regarding these terms, contact us at info@weddinghub.io