About Fortuna Cigars
Fortuna Cigars is a charming boutique shop located in Elizabeth, New Jersey, specializing in high-quality hand-rolled cigars tailored for weddings and special events. They curate a delightful selection of artisanal, boutique, and premium cigars, aiming to enrich celebrations with the essence of cigar culture.
Services Offered
Premium Cigar Selection
Fortuna Cigars offers a carefully curated selection of premium cigars, perfect for weddings. Whether you choose to enjoy cigars during your event or gift them to guests, their collection ensures a memorable experience.
Event Presence
They can provide experienced hostesses, skilled cigar rollers, and even cigar-making demonstrations at your event. This interactive experience adds a unique touch of sophistication and entertainment.
Customization Options
To complement your wedding theme, Fortuna Cigars provides custom cigar bands. These personalized bands enhance the aesthetic appeal of your cigars, making them a thoughtful and elegant gift for your guests.
Delivery and Setup
Fortuna Cigars offers delivery services directly to your venue, ensuring convenience and peace of mind. They also assist with the setup of your cigar display, ensuring everything is prepared to perfection for your special day.
Why Choose Fortuna Cigars?
- Specialized Expertise: Dedicated to providing high-quality cigars tailored for weddings.
- Interactive Experience: Offers cigar-making demonstrations and skilled rollers for a unique event experience.
- Customization: Provides custom cigar bands to match your wedding theme.
- Convenience: Handles delivery and setup, ensuring a seamless experience for couples.
Contact Fortuna Cigars
For more information or to schedule a consultation, visit Fortuna Cigars in Elizabeth, NJ. They are committed to helping you create an unforgettable wedding experience with their premium cigars and exceptional service.
Write A ReviewJoseph Davis
Interactive and Fun Experience
"Having Fortuna Cigars at our wedding was a hit! The cigar rolling demonstration was a unique and interactive experience for our guests. It added a memorable element to our celebration."
Linda Brown
Excellent Service and Quality
"We were impressed with the level of service and quality of cigars from Fortuna Cigars. They helped us select the perfect cigars for our wedding, and their customization options made our day even more special."
Charles Wilson
Unforgettable Addition to Our Wedding
"Fortuna Cigars added a touch of luxury to our wedding day! The cigars were beautifully presented, and our guests loved the experience. Highly recommend for anyone looking to elevate their event."
How can I customize cigars for my wedding?
Fortuna Cigars offers custom cigar bands that can be personalized to match your wedding theme or include a special message. This customization adds a unique touch to your cigar gifts.
Can Fortuna Cigars provide cigars for events other than weddings?
Yes, Fortuna Cigars caters to various events beyond weddings, including corporate events, private parties, and celebrations of all kinds.
What does Fortuna Cigars specialize in?
Fortuna Cigars specializes in high-quality hand-rolled cigars, particularly curated for weddings and special events. They offer a selection of artisanal, boutique, and premium cigars.
Can I visit Fortuna Cigars to view their selection?
Yes, you can visit Fortuna Cigars' shop in Elizabeth, NJ, to view and select from their range of premium cigars. They can also assist you in choosing cigars that suit your preferences and event needs.
What services does Fortuna Cigars offer for weddings?
Fortuna Cigars can provide experienced hostesses, skilled cigar rollers for live demonstrations, and assistance with setting up your cigar display at the venue. They also offer delivery services to ensure convenience.
How can I contact Fortuna Cigars for more information?
For more information or to inquire about their services, you can contact Fortuna Cigars through their website cigareventsusa.com or 908-409-8175 or dennis@cigareventsusa.com visit their shop in Elizabeth, NJ. They are dedicated to providing personalized service and ensuring your event is enhanced with their premium cigar offerings.