2 Results

Venue Listing Category Cape Fox Lodge
$500 - $800

Cape Fox Lodge

Ketchikan, Alaska

( 2 Reviews )
Venue Listing Category The Landing Hotel
$1000 - $15000

The Landing Hotel

Ketchikan, Alaska

( 2 Reviews )

Cape Fox Lodge

Ketchikan, Alaska

( 2 Reviews )

Overview Nestled in the heart of Ketchikan, Alaska, Cape Fox Lodge stands as a premier wedding venue ensconced within the breathtaking beauty of the Tongass National Forest. ...

$500 - $800 Guests 150

The Landing Hotel

Ketchikan, Alaska

( 2 Reviews )

Facilities and Capacity The Landing Hotel’s ballroom features elegant drapes and large windows. Custom decor and lighting will transform the space into your dream venue. With over ...

$1000 - $15000 Guests 225