Live Well Wedding Officiant

Windsor, New Jersey


Kahlil Carmichael Weddings

Location: Windsor, New Jersey
Officiant: Reverend Kahlil Carmichael, Pastor of Live Well Church

About Reverend Kahlil Carmichael

Reverend Kahlil Carmichael is an ordained minister with two Masters degrees from the New York Theological Seminary. He embraces an inclusive approach to officiating, welcoming all denominations. Instead of focusing solely on traditional religious aspects, he highlights the special bond and relationship of the couple being celebrated.

Services Offered

Personalized Ceremony
Kahlil Carmichael Weddings is committed to creating engaging, inclusive ceremonies for all. Reverend Carmichael takes the time to know each couple personally, ensuring that their unique love story is reflected during the ceremony.

Marriage Counseling
Reverend Carmichael believes in the importance of nurturing the relationship and offers premarital counseling in addition to officiating services. His goal is to guide couples in creating a strong foundation for their marriage.

Ceremony Rituals
In addition to delivering a heartfelt narrative, Reverend Carmichael can incorporate traditional rituals such as the lighting of unity candles or any special customs the couple may desire.


Reverend Carmichael’s primary objective is to offer a harmonious, personalized service that echoes the unique connection the couple shares.


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What services does Kahlil Carmichael Weddings offer?

Kahlil Carmichael Weddings provides personalized wedding ceremonies, including premarital counseling and special rituals like unity candle lighting. Reverend Kahlil Carmichael crafts each ceremony to reflect the unique bond of the couple, ensuring a memorable and harmonious experience.

How does Reverend Kahlil Carmichael approach officiating?

Reverend Kahlil Carmichael takes an inclusive approach, welcoming all denominations and focusing on celebrating the couple's relationship rather than traditional religious aspects. He aims to create a ceremony that reflects the couple's unique love story.

What makes Kahlil Carmichael Weddings different from other officiants?

Kahlil Carmichael Weddings stands out for its personalized service and Reverend Carmichael's commitment to getting to know each couple. His dedication to premarital counseling and ability to incorporate special rituals add a unique touch to each ceremony.

Where is Kahlil Carmichael Weddings based?

Kahlil Carmichael Weddings is based in Windsor, New Jersey.

How can I contact Kahlil Carmichael Weddings?

You can contact Kahlil Carmichael Weddings by phone +1 609-438-3233 or email Please refer to the contact information provided on the official website or promotional materials for specific details.


Windsor, NJ, 08561

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